Skaven: The Conniving Children of the Horned Rat in Age of Sigmar Skaven, known as the Children of the Horned Rat, are a conniving and treacherous race of rat-like creatures in the Age of Sigmar. Emerging from the realm of Chaos, they scuttle through the dark corners of the Mortal Realms, driven by an insatiable … AoS – Skaven Reinforcements
Hello there! From the vast arenas of Warhammer Underworlds, here we go with some Warbands for this quick, skirmish-type game, which is a hybrid of Board Game and Collectible Card Game! Da’ Kunnin Krew Part of the Harrowdeep Starter Set. This Orruk warband of Kruleboyz accidentally landed in Harrowdeep and quickly fell in love with … AoS – Underworlds Mix of Warbands
Hello there! Today we came up with a mix of some recent projects from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. There you can find Gotrek, a dwarf slayer (which his fame and glory is definitely higher than Gotrek himself), Verminlord Warbringer, an avatar of Horned Rat, the Supreme God of Skaven and a Mortis Engine, a horrific … AoS – Mix of Projects
Hello Wargamers! Just like announced yesterday, in today’s entry, we’ll be featuring some bonus Skaven units! Get yourself together for Skaven Lords and Thanquol Diorama. Miniatures were painted to a high standard with exceptional attention to details. It was a truly challenging project, but in my opinion final effects are more than satisfying. Models will … AoS – Skaven Lords & Thanquol Diorama
Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this entry, we are going to reveal on of biggest AoS project, we had chance to accomplish! Projects of that scale are always challenging, yet tremendously exciting! On the photos, you’ll have an opportunity check out weeks and hundreds of hours of our passion and dedication to … AoS – Skaven Army
Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this short AoS entry, I’d like to uncover some center pieces of huge Skaven army, we had pleasure to paint for one of our Clients! Verminlords are indeed amazing miniatures – incredible design, tons of details and dynamic poses are the key features. Painted using mostly earthy … AoS – Skaven Verminlord
Hello Wargamers! In previous post we had a chance to reveal full size of Skaven Army painted for one of you. 🙂 Now it’s time for some detailed pictures! Today’s entry is dedicated to warmachines – catapults and cannons powered by wild warpstone. List of models: – Doomwheel – Plague Furnace – Screaming Bell – … AoS – Skaven Army – Part II – Warmachines