Minis For War Painting Studio

Dungeons & Dragons – Noluzr’s Marvelous Miniatures – Part 1

Hello RPG fans!

Today we would like to start a new series on our blog. Dungeons & Dragons is the most popular system in the world – thousands DM and much more adventurers who every week explore vast dungeons and dark forests. We decided to take several Nolzur’s Marvelous models (and not only) to the workshop and paint them. Every two weeks (probably!) we will reveal another pack of models, full of warriors, mages and villains 😀 You will be able to take a look at each character and decide whether the figure will fit into your collection.

You can also check our Etsy Store where you can buy ready-to-play D&D miniatures.

Commission painting services –

Human Cleric

Human Fighter

Human Fighter

Human Cleric

Human Fighter 

Tiefling Warlock