Minis For War Painting Studio


Warhammer 40k Imperial Knight Warden showcase with custom freehand painting of the Emperor, mechanical details, and battle-worn armor.

Warhammer 40k Imperial Knight – Freehand Painting of the Emperor

Warhammer 40k Imperial Knight Warden showcase with custom freehand painting of the Emperor, mechanical details, and battle-worn armor.

Where Brute force meets art Looking back at the history of warfare, there’s something undeniably badass about massive wonder-weapons. In theory, these should strike fear into enemy ranks, turn the tide of battle, and even decide the outcome of a war. History is full of battlefield examples: massive WWI tanks armed with turrets and side-mounted Warhammer 40k Imperial Knight – Freehand Painting of the Emperor

Large 3D-printed Ork army for Warhammer 40k, featuring custom-painted models in vibrant colors.

40k – 3D Printed Orks

Large 3D-printed Ork army for Warhammer 40k, featuring custom-painted models in vibrant colors.

Very colorful WAAAAAGH of 3D Printed Orks for Warhammer 40k! Orks never do anything halfway – their armies are BIG, LOUD, and packed with DAKKA.  And since we’re in the 41st Millennium, why not use 3D printing to make even more Orks? Like, they even reproduce with spores, so we aren’t that far from their 40k – 3D Printed Orks

A fully assembled and painted Grey Knights army, featuring Strike Marines, Terminators, Dreadknights, and an Imperial Knight.

40k – Grey Knights Army

A fully assembled and painted Grey Knights army, featuring Strike Marines, Terminators, Dreadknights, and an Imperial Knight.

Grey Knights: Daemon Hunters of the Imperium There’s something about Grey Knights that sets them apart from every other force in the Warhammer 40K universe.  They don’t just fight for the Imperium; they exist to eradicate its greatest threat: chaos daemons. These warriors, blessed by the Emperor himself, are psykers wrapped in silver armor, wielding 40k – Grey Knights Army

Hand-painted Warhammer 30k diorama featuring a Blood Angels Captain standing victorious over a fallen World Eater, set in a ruined battlefield with a stained-glass tribute to Sanguinius in the background.

30k – Horus Heresy Diorama

Hand-painted Warhammer 30k diorama featuring a Blood Angels Captain standing victorious over a fallen World Eater, set in a ruined battlefield with a stained-glass tribute to Sanguinius in the background.

A Moment of Blood and Glory In the grim darkness of the 31st millennium, the galaxy knew no peace. The Horus Heresy, the defining conflict of Warhammer 30k lore, raged across countless stars. Betrayals were written in blood, and battles left scars upon history. Amidst this chaos, we captured a powerful and violent moment from 30k – Horus Heresy Diorama

Discover the might of the Northern Tribes Orc Army in Warcrow. Check out our expertly painted miniatures, showcasing their raw power and savage beauty.

Warcrow – New Fantasy Wargame: Miniatures, Lore & More

Discover the might of the Northern Tribes Orc Army in Warcrow. Check out our expertly painted miniatures, showcasing their raw power and savage beauty.

Step into the World of Warcrow with our fully painted miniatures. Have you heard of Infinity, the most popular wargame from Corvus Belli? We assume you do, since Infinity has been on the market for 20 years and features stunning cyberpunk style models. If you’re into sci-fi vibes with hardcore gameplay, you probably like it Warcrow – New Fantasy Wargame: Miniatures, Lore & More

Custom Painted Kill Team Terrain and Miniatures - The Best of November by Minis For War

November Highlights: Minis For War’s top painted projects

Custom Painted Kill Team Terrain and Miniatures - The Best of November by Minis For War

November Was a blast at the studio! This month, our talented Artists dove into some amazing projects. From the rich worlds of Warcrow and Kill Team to stunning custom freehand designs and bold Infinity models, November was all about creativity, new ideas and jaw-dropping results. Let’s dive into some of our favorite projects from this November Highlights: Minis For War’s top painted projects

LotR – Dol Amroth Army

The “City of the Sea-Kings” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth

AoS – Soulblight Spearhead

The undead legions led by powerful vampiric overlords

40k – Chaos Knights Army

The fallen Imperial Knights corrupted by the Dark Gods

AoS – Seraphon Army

Celestial warriors of Order