Minis For War Painting Studio


Custom Painted Kill Team Terrain and Miniatures - The Best of November by Minis For War

November Highlights: Minis For War’s top painted projects

Custom Painted Kill Team Terrain and Miniatures - The Best of November by Minis For War

November Was a blast at the studio! This month, our talented Artists dove into some amazing projects. From the rich worlds of Warcrow and Kill Team to stunning custom freehand designs and bold Infinity models, November was all about creativity, new ideas and jaw-dropping results. Let’s dive into some of our favorite projects from this November Highlights: Minis For War’s top painted projects

LotR – Dol Amroth Army

The “City of the Sea-Kings” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth

40k – Chaos Knights Army

The fallen Imperial Knights corrupted by the Dark Gods

AoS – Seraphon Army

Celestial warriors of Order

A collection of painted Yu Jing miniatures from the Corvus Belli Infinity game. The miniatures are arranged on a gray background and feature a green and yellow color scheme.

Infinity – Yu Jing Army

A collection of painted Yu Jing miniatures from the Corvus Belli Infinity game. The miniatures are arranged on a gray background and feature a green and yellow color scheme.

The Rising Dragon of the Human Sphere

Infinity – Haqqislam Army

Haqqislam, a futuristic Islamic society in Corvus Belli’s Infinity

ASOIAF – Neutral Army

A showcase of the whole Neutral Army

40k – Death Guard Army

Chaos Space Marine Legion that’s all about rot and decay

40k – Dark Angels Display Army

You want to turn heads at gaming events? There is no better way!

40k – Astra Militarum

One of the biggest Astra Militarum army we have ever painted demands special photoshoot!