Minis For War Painting Studio

Studio – Get to Know: Ewelina

Get to know our Painters – Interview with Ewelina

This is another post from the series of articles in which you will have opportunity to get to know our Team.

Today we want to show interview with Ewelina, our Commission Painter! Without further ado we’re going straight into the interview! 😃

Do you remember your first figurine that you painted? What are your memories associated with it?

The first model I ever painted was of red, fiery dogs for Khorne Bloodhound Army. I remember them fondly because they turned out really well. It was the first time I used contrasts, which I really liked as a painting technique.

Which of the painted figurines (that stood out to you) brought you the most joy during the painting/creative process and why?

The most memorable commission for me was of figures from Arthurian legends — Green Knight, King Arthur, Morgain — I used true metallic metal which was highly refined and colorful. I also achieved some really interesting lighting effects that I was proud of.

What are your favorite painting techniques, and how do they influence your artwork?

I have two favorite techniques that are opposites: blending and hatching (many short brushstrokes). That’s why I think my work is not entirely realistic but is a blend of realism and comic style.

If you could paint any model without time constraints, what would you choose?

Queen of Ecstasy from Creature Caster. However, this model has been unavailable for a long time, so the next in line is any model I’ve painted several times but would love to do again without any time constraints.

Do you draw inspiration from specific artists? Whom do you follow on Instagram?

To be honest, when it comes to “classics” like Angel Giraldez or Marco Frisoni, I follow them to learn miniature painting techniques. If I’m looking for inspiration, it comes from illustrators, concept artists like Yuhki Demers, and traditional artists like Roberto Ferri and David Deweerdt.

Gallery of some more of Her works

If you want to meet more of our Commission Painters, check previous Interview with Paulina!

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