Minis For War Painting Studio


40k – Thousand Sons

Psychic warriors turned soulless puppets? Unleash the arcane fury of the Thousand Sons

40k – Chaos Knights Blue

Learn about the Chaos Knights, once loyal Imperial Knights turned to the dark service of Chaos.

Studio – Get to Know: Ewelina

Another post of the Get to Know series, where you can meet our artists! Here’s Ewelina!

40k – Thousand Sons + Display Magnus

“The minds of gods are not for mortals to know, or to judge. Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play.“ Hello there! We want to present you fell, traitor legion for Warhammer 40k. Once they were soldiers in 40k – Thousand Sons + Display Magnus

40k – Chaos War Dogs

“The Imperium is a weak old man, ready and waiting to be broken apart by his vengeful sons.“ Hello there! Here we go with some War Dogs for Chaos Knights from Warhammer 40k.  If you want to read some lore about Chaos Knights themselves check our other post about them. In game Chaos Knights can 40k – Chaos War Dogs

40k – Thousand Sons MIX

“The minds of gods are not for mortals to know, or to judge. Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play.“ Hello there! Today we want to show you Thousand Sons miniatures for Warhammer 40k (have you checked our 40k – Thousand Sons MIX

40k – Be’Lakor Green

“Be’lakor was the very first mortal raised to the exalted rank of Daemon Prince, though what sacrifices he made and what horrors he inflicted to do so are lost even to the oldest tales. However it was Be’lakor that drew the Chaos Gods’ gaze — he somehow managed to intrigue all four of the dark 40k – Be’Lakor Green

AoS – Arcane Cataclysm

Hello Community! Yesterday the Arcane Cataclysm Box for Age of Sigmar was released. To celebrate, we want to show some models from those factions that we recently painted. There are Alarith, Spirit of the Mountain, Alarith Stonemage and Alarith Stoneguard representing pure souls of Lumineths and Lord of Change with Mutalith Vortex Beast that are AoS – Arcane Cataclysm

40k – Thousand Sons army

“Without the light of Chaos, the universe would stagnate and collapse. Only through this struggle, can any advancement occur.” – Magnus the Red Do you hear the voices of Chaos Gods? Here they are, Thousand Sons, the army of Magnus the Red – their Primarch, and a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch. Led by Chaos Sorcerer, 40k – Thousand Sons army

40k – Grey Knights / Scribe / Techmarine

Hello Wargamers! Small update of our gallery with some great models. Today I’d like to show you two units of fearless Grey Knights, daemonic Scribe and Master Techmarine 🙂 Escpecially GK were super fun to paint!