Minis For War Painting Studio


Large 3D-printed Ork army for Warhammer 40k, featuring custom-painted models in vibrant colors.

40k – 3D Printed Orks

Large 3D-printed Ork army for Warhammer 40k, featuring custom-painted models in vibrant colors.

Very colorful WAAAAAGH of 3D Printed Orks for Warhammer 40k! Orks never do anything halfway – their armies are BIG, LOUD, and packed with DAKKA.  And since we’re in the 41st Millennium, why not use 3D printing to make even more Orks? Like, they even reproduce with spores, so we aren’t that far from their 40k – 3D Printed Orks

A fully assembled and painted Grey Knights army, featuring Strike Marines, Terminators, Dreadknights, and an Imperial Knight.

40k – Grey Knights Army

A fully assembled and painted Grey Knights army, featuring Strike Marines, Terminators, Dreadknights, and an Imperial Knight.

Grey Knights: Daemon Hunters of the Imperium There’s something about Grey Knights that sets them apart from every other force in the Warhammer 40K universe.  They don’t just fight for the Imperium; they exist to eradicate its greatest threat: chaos daemons. These warriors, blessed by the Emperor himself, are psykers wrapped in silver armor, wielding 40k – Grey Knights Army

40k – Chaos Knights Army

The fallen Imperial Knights corrupted by the Dark Gods

40k – Ultramarines

The elite Space Marines of Warhammer 40,000

40 – Custom Ork Jetbikes

Kitbashed from a scratch!

40k – Death Guard Army

Chaos Space Marine Legion that’s all about rot and decay

40k – Hive Fleet Leviathan

Leviathan Hive Fleet, the third and largest Tyranid invasion of the Milky Way

Studio – Battle-Ready Terrains Series

Check our new line of Terrains, available on Etsy!

40k – Genestealer Cults

How these xenos-worshipping creeps work their way into human society?

Necromunda – Ironhead Prospectors

This set features custom terrain that can also function as a diorama!