Minis For War Painting Studio


40k – Kill Team Mix

Sort of the latest Kill Team Commissions Originally members of the Astra Militarum, these ruthless assassins have risen against the Imperium, lured by the promises of power granted by the Chaos Gods. The most lethal veterans among the Traitor Guard are referred to as the Blooded. They twist their training and gear into horrifying tools, 40k – Kill Team Mix

AoS – Ossiarch Bonereapers

Ossiarch Bonereapers: The Celestial Storm of Bone The Ossiarch Bonereapers stand as an unyielding force within the realms of Age of Sigmar (AoS), a faction forged from necromantic arts and the cold, calculating brilliance of deathly generals. Rising from the forgotten annals of history, they are a legion of skeletal warriors brought together by the AoS – Ossiarch Bonereapers

Studio – Get to Know: Kinga

Get to know our Painters – Interview with Kinga This is another post from the series of articles in which you will have opportunity to get to know our team. Today we want to introduce you to Kinga. She is one our Senior Painters! Without further ado we’re going straight into the interview! 😀 Do Studio – Get to Know: Kinga

40k – Ultramarines Display

Courage and Honor: The Unyielding Creed of the Ultramarines In the grim darkness of the far future, where the galaxy is engulfed in perpetual war and chaos, a beacon of hope and unwavering determination shines forth from the vast Ultramar sector. There, among the countless stars, stands the mighty Space Marine Chapter known as the 40k – Ultramarines Display

40k – Agastus Space Marines

Unleashing the Might of Agastus Space Marines When it comes to defending the vast expanse of the cosmos, there is no force more formidable than the Space Marines. These elite warriors are a symbol of awe-inspiring power, unwavering loyalty, and unmatched combat prowess. As humanity’s first and last line of defense against the terrors of 40k – Agastus Space Marines

Studio – Get to Know: Jakub

Get to know our Painters – Interview with Jakub This is another post from the series of articles in which you will have opportunity to get to know our team. Today we want to introduce you to Jakub. He is one our bases expert as well as master of tiny (sometimes very, very tiny) miniatures! Studio – Get to Know: Jakub

Kromlech – Base Toppers

Partnership with Kromlech – New Base Toppers Arrived on their Shop We’re happy to inform you that we had an opportunity to paint a whole new series of Base Toppers for our partners Kromlech! As always, their quality is outstanding and the level of details are kinda breathtaking. Whether you need to present your miniatures Kromlech – Base Toppers

40k – Dante, Blood Angels Chapter Master

Dante: Chapter Master of the Blood Angels Dante, the venerable Chapter Master of the Blood Angels, embodies loyalty, resilience, and unwavering determination in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Clad in ancient MkVI Corvus Pattern Power Armor, he commands respect on the battlefield. With centuries of experience, Dante’s tactical brilliance and unwavering commitment to humanity have made 40k – Dante, Blood Angels Chapter Master

Studio – Get to Know: Kacper

Get to know our Painters – Interview with Kacper Hello there! This is another post from the series of articles in which you will have opportunity to get to know our team. Today we want to introduce you to Kacper. Without further ado we’re going straight into the interview! 😀 Do you remember your first Studio – Get to Know: Kacper

40k – Death Guard Heresy

The Death Guard Legion: From Origins on Barbarus to Becoming Servants of Nurgle The history of the Death Guard Legion is a tale of tragedy, corruption, and transformation. Originating from the world of Barbarus, a planet shrouded in toxic mists and ruled by sadistic warlords, the Death Guard would eventually succumb to the influence of 40k – Death Guard Heresy