Hello Wargamers!
The momentary silence on our site is just the calm before the storm! We are in the process of migrating to a fantastic new website that will be up to modern standards 🙂 If you want to follow our daily work – do not forget to follow us on Instagram.
Today, however, I wanted to introduce you to a project that definitely can’t wait! He-Man Battlegrounds from Archon Studio, painted by our wonderful Artists. The models you get in the set are absolutely fantastic and are among the top when it comes to board games and board-wargames. Hard plastic, crisp details, dynamic sculpts – Archon definitely did a great job. I can’t wait to see expansions from Wave I.
This set of models is a pure nostalgia – probably many of you also watched this cartoon as a kid. It is so good to have He-Man and Skeleton in hands. Now I have the power! 😀
If you want to work with our Studio and order your own painted He-Man models, send me e-mail: minisforwar@gmail.com