The Undying Legions: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Necrons in Warhammer 40,000 Long before humanity took its first steps, before the Imperium of Man even existed, the Necrontyr ruled the galaxy. The Necrontyr were a race of flesh and blood beings who lived under the harsh rays of a dying sun. Their lives were painfully … 40k – Necron Purple Army
“We are the end of all things, the darkness that consumes worlds. We are the Necrons, and we have returned.” Hello there! Today we want to present to you a small Necron reinforcements for your Warhammer 40k games. Szarekh, the Silent King The Necrons are an ancient race that predates even the Eldar, and they … 40k – Necrons Reinforcements
“Waaaaaaaaaghh!” Hello there! Today we have a very special project to show you. We present you a built-up-from-scratch Ork Super-Knights army for Warhammer 40k. That was a very time consuming project. Firstly we need to build up these “little” robots from scratches and bits, just as Orks do in the Universe of 41st Millenium. After … 40k – Ork Super-Knights Converted Army
“When the Silent King saw what had been done, he knew at last the true nature of the C’tan, and of the doom they had wrought in his name.” Hello there! Today we want to show you a Szarekh, the Silent King painted a while ago with some Necrons accompanying him. Szarekh, was the last … 40k – Szarekh, the Silent King
“Cast off the shackles of your slumber! The galaxy shall be ours once again!” Hello Wargamers! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! In this post, we would like to introduce you to a Necron half of Indomitus! In my opinion, the set is a great entry point for all beginners, who would like to start … 40k – Indomitus Necron Army
“We are born for a darker purpose than that of mere existence.” Howdy Wargamers! Today’s entry is a continuation of a small Necron army we posted back in July 2020. Miniatures are painted with our custom painting scheme, dominated by blue and orange tones. In my opinion, it captures Necron’s mystirity and malevolence just perfectly, … 40k – Blue Necron Army
Our people are awakening, and soon all of the galaxy shall be ours once more. Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this entry I’d like to introduce you to bunch of our Necron projects. They don’t nessecerly all come from the one commission, but I thought it might be a good idea to … 40k – Necron Forces
“Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things long ago, and we will do so again.” Howdy Wargamers! I guess we can all agree July felt like Christmas with upcoming Indomitus set! Games Workshop really treated us with this one 🙂 In today’s short entery I’d would like you introduce Necron Heroes we’ve been … 40k – Necron Indomitus Heroes
Hi Folks! Today we’d like to show you the Necron army in a little different color scheme! How do you guys like them in blue? Imho that little play on colors gives them an Abyss-look which suits this ancient army pretty well! Our Necron forces consist of: Necron Overlord, Necron Cryptek and Necron Immortals. Stay … 40k – Necron Army