Imperial Knights: Colossal War Machines of the Imperium Imperial Knights, towering war machines of indomitable power and noble lineage, are among the most awe-inspiring sights in the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. These towering behemoths epitomize the might and grandeur of the Imperium of Man, serving as the living embodiment of ancient chivalric … 40k – Imperial Knights
Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this entry, we would like to uncover E-Web Heavy Blaster Team from Star Wars: Legion. We had pleasure to work with two different squad of those guys, very excited to present you, how they look on two different bases styles: Endor forest and Tatooine desert. Even though … Star Wars: Legion – E-Web Heavy Blaster Team
“Soon enough, you will stop denying the truth of so very many things. And you will understand that I am not a traitor, but a visionary!”. Count Dooku is for sure one of the most iconic Star Wars characters. Once he was a Jedi Master, but has fallen to a Dark Side, to become Dark Lord … Star Wars: Legion – Count Dooku
Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great Thursday! In today’s entry we would like to show some serious addition to an Imperial army – E-Web Heavy Blaster Team! Really like how the model turned out, especially the base. In my opinion the contrast between the snow and green, vivid tube does an awesome job! … Star Wars: Legion – E-Web Heavy Blaster Team
Any board games fans out there? 馃檪 You know how much we love Star Wars, so we were very excited when we got Star Wars: Imperial Assault on our hands! Imperial Assault is strategy board game, taking action in the heart of Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire! In the … Board Games – Star Wars: Imperial Assault
[:pl] Cze艣膰! Temat imperialnych zab贸jc贸w powraca! Jaki艣 czas temu mieli艣cie okazj臋 zobaczy膰 ca艂kiem spor膮 ich grup臋 na 艂amach naszego bloga, a dzisiaj na swe misje wyrusza kolejnych pi臋ciu. Moim ulubionym jest zdecydowanie Vindicare i Callidus, kt贸re maj膮 w sobie mn贸stwo klimatu. Do modeli dodali艣my do艣膰 bogato zape艂nione podstawki, na kt贸rych zobaczy膰 mo偶ecie ro艣linno艣膰 firmy Woodland … 40k – Imperial Assassins