Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Krondys & Archaon Everchosen

Hello there! As a studio we support an Age of Sigmar tournament that’s happening in Glasgow this weekend. Event is organized by Broken Realms Glasgow and this is not the first time while we’re supporting them. Here we want to present to you 2 models that we painted for the winners of the last edition AoS – Krondys & Archaon Everchosen

AoS – Slaves to Darkness SC!

Hello Wargamers! Slaves to Darkness finally received some refreshed models – Chaos Warriors, Chaos Knights… It’s really a well-deserved upgrade, as the previous models have aged a bit. Our Artists painted this Start Collecting! some time ago and it was a great fun! We wanted to keep the colour scheme dark and dirt with some AoS – Slaves to Darkness SC!

AoS – Eidolon of Manthlann, Archaon, Keepers of Secrets

Hello Wargamers! Hope you and your beloved ones are safe and doing great! As far as I see, you really enjoyed an entry dedicated to Bloodthirsters, so decided to follow the blow and handpicked some of larger-scale AoS projects we’ve been working on lately. On the first glance, sizeable models might be easier to paint, AoS – Eidolon of Manthlann, Archaon, Keepers of Secrets

AoS – Archaon Everchosen

[:pl] Witam Was bardzo serdecznie w kolejnym wpisie! Chciałbym Wam zaprezentować model dedykowany do armii Chaosu – Archaona. Jest to jego stara, metalowa wersja. Zdecydowanie jeden z fajniejszych modeli z dawnej linii – obecnie już nieprodukowany. Model ze względu na swoje gabaryty jest bardzo ciężki, trudny w obróbce i wykończeniu. Poszło na niego naprawdę sporo AoS – Archaon Everchosen