Unyielding Guardians: The Brotherhood of Steel’s Journey Through the Wasteland Warfare In the desolate and unforgiving wastelands of the post-apocalyptic world, one faction has stood the test of time, embodying the ideals of honor, technology, and preservation. The Brotherhood of Steel, a formidable and enigmatic organization, has etched its legacy deep into the annals of … Fallout – Brotherhood of Steel
The Wallachian Army: Safeguarding Sovereignty and Defending Borders The Wallachian Army, historically known as the “Armata Română a Valahiei,” was the military force of the Principality of Wallachia, a region in modern-day Romania. Throughout its existence, the Wallachian Army played a crucial role in safeguarding the principality’s sovereignty and defending its borders against external threats. … Historical – Wallachian Army