Minis For War Painting Studio

Flames of War / Team Yankee

FoW – Fallschirmjager

Elite Paratroopers:ย  Fallschirmjรคger Units in Flames of War If you want to read more about German Army click HERE Fallschirmjรคger is the German word for “paratroopers.” During World War II, the Fallschirmjรคger were the paratrooper units of the German Luftwaffe. They were trained to carry out airborne operations, including the capture of key objectives such FoW – Fallschirmjager

FoW – Soviet Army

The Soviet Army in Flames of War The Soviet Army played a pivotal role in the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War II. At the outset of the war, the Soviet Army was the largest military force in the world, with over 12 million soldiers. However, the army suffered significant losses in the early FoW – Soviet Army

FoW – German Army

German army in Flames of War The German army, including the infamous SS, played a significant role during World War II. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and his generals, the German army became a formidable force, conquering much of Europe in a series of blitzkrieg campaigns. The SS, or Schutzstaffel, was originally established as FoW – German Army

FoW – French Army

The French Army in Flames of War: Speed, Mobility, and Tactical Flexibility   The French Army in Flames of War represents the real-world French Army during World War II, which was known for its high level of training and equipment. French soldiers were equipped with modern weapons and uniforms, which helped to make them some FoW – French Army

FoW – Finnish Army

Guerilla Tactics in Harsh Enviroment – Finnish Army in Flames of War The Finnish Army in Flames of War is known for its ability to fight effectively in harsh winter conditions and use of guerilla tactics. They have many units trained in winter warfare, including ski troops and sled-mounted machine guns, which can move through FoW – Finnish Army

FoW – German Battle of the Bulge

Marching with the Wehrmacht: A Flames of War Battle of the Bulge German army The German Army, known as the Wehrmacht, was a powerful fighting force during World War II. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the Wehrmacht rapidly expanded in size and strength, becoming one of the most formidable military forces in the world. FoW – German Battle of the Bulge

Flames of War – Spearhead Division

The Mighty 3rd Armored Division: A Miniature Tribute to a Spearhead of US Military Might The 3rd Armored Division, also known as the “Spearhead Division,” was a highly decorated armored division of the United States Army that served during World War II and the Cold War. The division was activated in 1941 and saw extensive Flames of War – Spearhead Division

FoW – US Army Tanks

โ€œBrave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war.โ€ Hello there! Today we have some tanks from Flames of War to show you. Most of them are the M4 Sherman, Medium Tank, that was the most widely used by the United States and Western Allies in World War II. They are visible FoW – US Army Tanks

15mm – 1939 Polish Army

Hello Wargamers! I’d like to share with you a small gallery of 15mm Polish Army miniatures, dedicated to early war and 1939 defence campaign. Our team had a chance to paint some cavalry, six units of infantry & mortars as well as artillery and tanks. Small but decent forces ๐Ÿ™‚ If you want to work 15mm – 1939 Polish Army

Flames of War – British Forces

Hello Wargamers! Small scales are back! ๐Ÿ˜€ Today-  painted forces for Flames of War system from Battlefront (15 mm scale). Mostly British regular infantry but also some paratroopers, artillery and different planes. It’s good to see this wargame alive but supply of models in EU is terrible (right now in 2021). I hope distributor will Flames of War – British Forces