Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Khorne Bloodbound Forces

Hello Wargamers! Blood for the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne! This update is focused on Khorne miniatures for Age of Sigmar. We painted some cool sculpts from old starter set – I totally love this Lord and icon bearer 🙂 And of course another Skarbrand in our portfolio. Enjoy! 😀 If you want AoS – Khorne Bloodbound Forces

AoS – Skarbrand

It’s been a while since we published anything AoS related, but we got something really awesome for you – Skarbrand! This majestic model is one of the most powerful Khorne’s champions. Such huge models are always very challenging to paint, as the amount of details is truly insane. The whole miniature is kept in earthy AoS – Skarbrand

Age of Sigmar – Skarbrand Daemon

[:pl] Cześć! W dzisiejszym wpisie zobaczyć możecie jednego z wiÄ™kszych demonów chaosu – Skarbranda. PrzygotowaliÅ›my go w dość nietypowym, zimowym malowaniu. Model zostaÅ‚ dodatkowo wzbogacony rÄ™cznie robionÄ… podstawkÄ…, dziÄ™ki której figurka jest jeszcze wiÄ™ksza i epicka 🙂 Ciekawym dodatkiem naÅ‚ożonym na pÅ‚yty pancerza (aerografem) jest farba-kameleon Green Stuff World Darth Blue, która daje efekt “magicznego Age of Sigmar – Skarbrand Daemon