Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Sylvaneth, Wood Elves and Stormcasts!

Hello Wargamers! Another week has passed and I have some cool models to show you 🙂 In today’s update you can see a pack of Tree-Revenants, huge mob of Glade Guards and solid unit of Stormcast Eternals Retributors (with magnetized weapons!). Age of Sigmar is already a well-known and popular game and third edition of AoS – Sylvaneth, Wood Elves and Stormcasts!

Warhammer Underworlds: Ylthari’s Guardians

We had tons of fun painting Ylthari’s Guardians! These creatures come from ancient soulpods in the Realm of Death Warhammer Underwords. Legends say they were diplomats and emissaries once , now they will crawl through the World looking for revange! Commission painting services –  

Warhammer Underworlds: Mollog’s Mob

Another Mollog’s Mob painted by our studio! Mollog himself is incredibly strong Dankhold Troggoth from Warhammer Underwords. He spends most of his time sleeping at the swamps. Would you dare to wake him up? Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – The Eyes of the Nine

  Eyes of the Nine warband flying in! Are you ready for Realm of Chaos in Warhammer Underworlds universe? Or maybe even beyond…? Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – The Farstriders

Third Stormcast Eternals warband on our blog! The Farstriders – elite infantry of the Vanguard Auxillary Chambers. Three ranged attack specialists who are a serious challenge for any opponent 🙂 Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – Stormsire’s Cursebreakers

Another quick series of Warhammer Underworlds posts – this set of minis comes from Nightvault starter set. Stormsire’s Cursebreakers – a lightning-wielding warband of three powerful wizards! Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – Steelheart’s Champions

Three immortal, celestial warriors from Stormcast Eternals faction. They are the “new space marines” from Games Workshop and basic faction of Age of SIgma game 🙂 Armours painted with Chameleon paints from Green Stuff World. Commission paitning services –

AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Celestant Prime

[:pl]   Cześć! Dzisiejszy wpis poÅ›wiÄ™cony jest jednemu z najwiÄ™kszych modeli do armii Stormcast Eternals – Celestant Prime. Figurka skÅ‚ada siÄ™ z zaskakujÄ…co niewielkiej iloÅ›ci części, które dość sprawnie jesteÅ›my w stanie zÅ‚ożyć. Nieco gimnastyki wymaga sklejenie wiru energii, jednak powinien sobie z tym poradzić nawet poczÄ…tkujÄ…cy modelarz. Rzeźba i detal jest naprawdÄ™ dobra – AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Celestant Prime