Minis For War Painting Studio


40k – Necron Army – Doomsday Arks

Some heavy weapon platforms for Necron Army – Doomsday Arks! That’s another part of big Necron forces on our blog and definitely not the last post dedicated to this army. Soon you can expect much more vehicles (super-heavy too!) so stay tuned and follow us on social media 🙂 Commission painting services –  

40k – Necron Army – Night Shroud Bomber

One of the biggest vehicles in Necron army – Night Shroud Bomber is definitely larger than any Doom Scythe. As you may see this flyer has some extra “wings” and armour panels. Pilot chamber is also covered by set of sensors. Commission painting services –

40k – Necron Army – Doom Scythes / Night Scythes

Squadron of Doom Scythes -this is a solid support for Necron army. Three deadly and fast vehicles ready to sow destruction in the ranks of the enemy. Enjoy this small gallery below and do not forget to check Night Shroud Bomber on our blog! Commission painting services –

Age of Sigmar – Flamespyre Phoenix

[:pl] Cześć! W dzisiejszym wpisie chciałbym Wam zaprezentować dwa modele Flamespyre Phoenix do gry Age of Sigmar. Figurki należały niegdyś do armii High Elves, obecnie znaleźć je możecie w szeregach Grand Alliance Order. Modele mimo upływu kilku lat od ich wydania wciąż bronią się wyśmienicie dobrą rzeźbą. Ptaki wyglądają dynamicznie, groźnie i bojowo, a przecież Age of Sigmar – Flamespyre Phoenix