Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS/40k – Bloodthirster

Hello Fellow Cultists! Here we go with one of the most brute daemons in the universe of Warhammer 40k The Bloodthirster is a formidable Daemon Prince of Khorne, the Chaos God of War and Slaughter. It is depicted as a towering, horned demon wielding a massive axe and leading armies of lesser daemons into battle. AoS/40k – Bloodthirster

40k – Colossal Bloodthirster with portal diorama – showcase

  Hello Wargamers! I’d like to share with you EPIC project of colossal Bloodthirster with hand made diorama. It was a big pleasure to work on such a big and unique model 🙂 This project took a really long time and was quite a challenge. Base is a mix of XPS foam, stones and resin 40k – Colossal Bloodthirster with portal diorama – showcase