Minis For War Painting Studio


FoW – German Battle of the Bulge

Marching with the Wehrmacht: A Flames of War Battle of the Bulge German army The German Army, known as the Wehrmacht, was a powerful fighting force during World War II. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the Wehrmacht rapidly expanded in size and strength, becoming one of the most formidable military forces in the world. FoW – German Battle of the Bulge

Warmaster – 10mm Dark Elves

Heya Friends! Today we want to show you one of the most Nimble armies for Warmaster – a 10mm scale game set in the universe of Warhammer Fantasy! Dark Elves are known for their cruelty and malice, and are typically depicted as a dark mirror of the more noble and graceful Elven forces. In battle, Warmaster – 10mm Dark Elves

Collectible – Ukrainian Forces

Hello everyone! Today we show you collectible ukraine forces from SASM manufacturer. Special Artizan Service Miniatures (SASM) offers a unique collection of Ukrainian Forces Army miniatures in 15mm and 28mm scale. These minis are handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, capturing the essence of the Ukrainian military. One of our standout pieces is the Kozak Collectible – Ukrainian Forces

ASOIAF – Baratheon & Lannister

Heya y’all! Today we have some miniatures from A Song of Ice and Fire for you! House Baratheon is a Great House in Westeros known for its strength and determination. The House was founded by Orys Baratheon, a legendary warrior with a rumored connection to King Aegon the Conqueror. Their sigil is a black stag ASOIAF – Baratheon & Lannister

40k – Orks Army & Terrains

“Hit ’em hard, Hit ’em low and give ’em plenty of Dakka” Hello there! Here we go with a very MASSIVE gallery of Orks for Warhammer 40k. What we present here is a quite big army and loads of Ork terrains from Kill Team: Octarius, painted in 2 different color schemes.  The Orks, commonly known 40k – Orks Army & Terrains

Build Your Army: Shadow Collective

Hello there! Here we go with a fifth and last article from our series that is a little follow-up and a complement of our “Start Collecting”. Today we want to spot some Shadow Collective lists, according to our text that was published last month. In this series I will spot 3 lists per article, showcasing Build Your Army: Shadow Collective

LotR – Rivendell Army

“The Last Homely House East of the Sea” Hello there! Straight from Rivendell, here we go with Elven Army for Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game. Rivendell, also known as Imladris in Sindarin, was an Elven town and the house of Elrond located in Middle-earth. In this town, there was a large hall with a dais and LotR – Rivendell Army

Start Collecting: Shadow Collective

“Our combined strength will be rewarded. Mandalore will be yours, and Kenobi, this Sith pretender Dooku and all our enemies… will fall.“ Hello there! Long time no see, here we go with the last big guide for Star Wars: Legion from our “Start Collecting” series (necessarily check our other articles from this series). In this Start Collecting: Shadow Collective

40k – Black Templars Army High

“The galaxy is the Emperor’s, and anyone or anything who challenges that claim is an enemy who must be destroyed.“ Hello there! I want to present to you Black Templars army for Warhammer 40k. All models are painted for a high level. They’re a Loyalist Second Founding Space Marine Chapter. They were genetically engineered from 40k – Black Templars Army High

Build Your Army: Galactic Empire

Hello there! Here we go with a fourth article from our series that is a little follow-up and a complement of our “Start Collecting”. Today we want to spot some Empire lists, according to our text that was published last week. In this series I will spot 3 lists per article, showcasing meta choices as Build Your Army: Galactic Empire