Minis For War Painting Studio

Other Wargames

Mordheim – Chaos Carnival

[:pl] Czasem na nasz warsztat trafiają prawdziwe modelarskie perełki 🙂 Jedną z nich jest bez wątpienia Karnawał Chaosu, który miałem przyjemność pomalować jakiś czas temu. Modele mają bardzo oldschoolowy klimat, który starałem się oddać malowaniem. Spójrzcie tylko na te zakazane, bandyckie twarze… 🙂 Drużyna świetnie nada się do jakiegoś skirmisha np. Mordheim. Moimi faworytami są Mordheim – Chaos Carnival

Malifaux – Jakob Lynch and Others

[:en] Hey! I would like to show you a group dedicated to the Malifaux system. Thirteen models, including quite a big monster 🙂 The climate of Malifaux can be loved or hated. I’m somewhere in the middle. Assembling process is a nightmare and without it I would find the whole process of painting pleasant. Seriously Malifaux – Jakob Lynch and Others

Warmachine/Hordes – Khador Winter Guard

[:en] Hello! I have collected over 2200 unpublished photos of miniatures, divided into one hundred and fifty folders. This is the amount that I have left after a strict selection. 🙂 I’ll certainly make some more cuts, but there’ll be enough material for months of entries. In today’s post I would like to present you Warmachine/Hordes – Khador Winter Guard

Bolt Action – Fallschirmjager

[:en] Hello! Before final post with Thousand Sons, I would like to show you something different – WWII and German unit of Fallschirmjagers. Enjoy! Minis in 28 mm scale from Warlord Games aren’t the best sculpts on the world, but in my opinion good enough for wargames. A lot of players dislike body and head Bolt Action – Fallschirmjager