Hello Wargamers!
Our team just finished another amazing army for one of you! We were given an order with a simple guideline – we have to use new models from Sylvaneth’s army, but place them on square bases. Thanks to this the army is suitable for playing in old editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle system and its next incarnation – 9th Age.
As you may see on photos, we painted A LOT of Dryads, some Kurnoth Hunters and different kinds of Treelords (Durthu / Ancient). Warsong Revenant is a general of forces, supported by four Branchwych and two Great Eagles.
Our main goal was to prepare models in toned, forest colors with a strong twist of white, pink and blue.
All bases are laser-cut HDF provided by our workshop. We also made some movement trays for all regiments.
If you want to create an unique army for your collection – please send me a message: minisforwar@gmail.com