Minis For War Painting Studio

AoS – Lumineth Realm-Lords

Lumineth Realm-lords: The Shining Stars of Hysh

In the grim and perilous world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, where chaos and destruction reign supreme, the Lumineth Realm-lords stand out as a shining beacon of hope. There should be no exception on the battlefields of your tabletop AoS games! No matter if you want a new AoS army, your favorite hero or your Spearhead painted, you can contact us and book your own commission!

Who are they?

Imagine a race of elves, not like the stereotypical pointy-eared folk, but beings of pure light, almost angelic in appearance. These are the Lumineth Realm-lords. They’re the pinnacle of Aelf civilization, a beacon of knowledge and power in the Age of Sigmar.

Where do they come from?

The Lumineth has a tragic, yet inspiring origin. They were once trapped within the Chaos god Slaanesh, their souls twisted and corrupted. The Chaos god’s influence had a profound effect on their psyches, leaving them scarred and broken. However, through the combined efforts of the gods Malerion, Teclis, and Tyrion, they were rescued and brought to the Realm of Hysh.

What are they like?

The Lumineth are a proud and scholarly people. They value knowledge and wisdom above all else, and their cities are filled with towering spires and gleaming palaces. Their obsession with knowledge and progress is evident in everything they do, from their intricate magic to their advanced technology. Despite their scholarly pursuits, they are also skilled warriors, capable of defending themselves against any threat.

What role do they play in the world?

The Lumineth play a crucial role in the Age of Sigmar. They are guardians of Hysh, protecting it from the forces of Chaos. Their power and influence extend far beyond their home realm, as they are sought out by other races for their wisdom and guidance. They are also a source of inspiration and hope for other races, demonstrating the power of knowledge and the importance of perseverance.

Why should you care?

The Lumineth are a fascinating and unique faction in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Their story is one of triumph over adversity, and their culture is rich and complex. If you’re a fan of fantasy, you’ll definitely want to play these shining stars of Hysh.

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