Unleash the Valor: Command the USMC in Bolt Action and Forge a Path to Victory! The United States Marine Corps (USMC) in Bolt Action embodies the heroic legacy of the elite amphibious forces that fought tenaciously across the Pacific Theater during World War II. Renowned for their versatility and resilience, the USMC brings a unique … Bolt – United States Marines Corps
Hail Caesar: A Historical Miniature Wargaming System Hail Caesar is a historical miniature wargaming system that simulates battles between ancient and medieval armies. The game is produced by Warlord Games and is designed to be played with 28mm scale miniatures. In Hail Caesar, players use units of soldiers, cavalry, and artillery to fight battles on … Hail Caesar – Medieval Army
Howdy Wargamers! Today, we are presenting you our very first Bolt Action project! For those of you, who are not familiar with the system, Bolt Action is a 28 mm historical battle game, taking action in the World War. It’s designed and published by Warlord Games. Players value it for realistic rules, variety of armies … Bolt Action – Japanese Army
Our second big reveal – British Army for Black Powder system from Warlord Games. It was even more challenging than French army, especially due to infantry uniforms which are more complicated to paint. List of models: British Line Infantry Hanoverian Infantry Artillery Dragoons Colour schemes inspired by historical uniforms and pictures available on Warlord Games … Black Powder – Big British Army / Showcase
Time to reveal one of our big projects we painted in Studio – French Army for Black Powder system from Warlord Games! Dozens of models – infantry units and cavalry. List of models: French Line Infantry (Late) Polish Vistula Legion Imperial Guard Imperial Guard Artillery Commanders Line Lancers Chasseurs a Cheval Hussars Colour schemes inspired … Black Powder – Big French Army / Showcase
Hello Wargamers! That’s first cavalry unit for Black Powder on our blog 🙂 French Line Lancers – unit used in scouting, raiding and skirmishing. They are armed with lance, sabre and up to two pistols. That’s last post before big army reveal. Stay tuned miniature fans. It will be huge! Commission painting services: minisforwar@gmail.com
Hello Wargaming Community! Today I would like to show you huge unit of French Line Infantry (Late) for Black Powder from Warlord Games. Painting scheme inspired by historical uniforms and Warlord official photos. Bases are laser-cut HDF – 40 x 40 mm. That’s almost last post before big army reveal so stay tuned! Commission painting … Black Powder – French Line infantry (Late)
Hello Wargamers! I would like to show you another part of British army for Black Powder system from Warlord Games. This time Line Infantry regiments – 18 bases and 72 miniatures. Colour scheme inspired by Anres Amian official photos. It is the biggest napoleonic era regiment we have ever painted! Bases are laser-cut HDF, classic … Black Powder – British Line Infantry
Hello Wargaming Fans! Time for XIX century and Black Powder system from Warlord Games. I would like to show you Late Hanoverian Infantry painted in our studio. Colours are is inspired by official scheme made by Andres Amian. Painting of historical miniatures, especially from Napoleonic Wars era is quite challenging. Uniforms are really colorful, with … Black Powder – Late Hanoverian Infantry