Minis For War Painting Studio


Monsterpocalypse – Protectors Army

  Hey Wargamers! Today I would like to show you Protectors G.U.A.R.D. army for Monsterpocalypse system, painted by one of our artists. This system released by Privateer Press allows us to take command of the monster and stand up to fight the opposite beast. Fast gameplay and not many miniatures on board 🙂 Enjoy this Monsterpocalypse – Protectors Army

Flames of War – British Army Tanks

This is how we represent British Army tanks for Flames of War system in 15mm scale⚡️ We were inspired by historical military camouflage – it is not 1:1. We tried with more subtle and deceptive colors. ???? Really like the Bishop, but it had a very high turret which was a huge disadvantage in desert warfare Flames of War – British Army Tanks

40K – Death Guard – Mortarion

Hey Folks! Last time we had a big pleasure to create our rendition of Mortarion – ass on the line. No need to introduce this character! This is our interpretation referring to the character’s story and his strong daemonic abilities. We hope that the time we spent on painting was worth it. We put special 40K – Death Guard – Mortarion