Minis For War Painting Studio


MCP – Remastered Core Set

Do you want to know more about Core Set Remaster?

MCP – Core Set

“With great power comes great responsibility” Hello Friends! We want to show you some Marvel Crisis Protocol models from Core Set today. Game is made by Atomic Mass Games (X-Wing, Armada, Legion) from Asmodee Group. The game showcases all-known characters from Marvel Comic Books and is an epic, tactical wargame for 2 people. Each player MCP – Core Set

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Iconic Heroes

Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? We are very happy to present you another wave of iconic heroes from Marvel Crisis Protocol. This should be a treat to all Marvel fans! Many of the superheores came to mainstream due to movies, some are still waiting for their adaptations, so you probably know them from Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Iconic Heroes

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Core Box

Today we would like to treat all of our Marvel fans! Marvel Crisis Protocol is a skirmish game taking place in universe based on Marvel’s comics and movies! In the set you will find some of the most iconic super-heroes and villains: Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Red Skull, Crossbones, Baron Zemo, Captain America, Black Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Core Box