Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Sylvaneth, Wood Elves and Stormcasts!

Hello Wargamers! Another week has passed and I have some cool models to show you 🙂 In today’s update you can see a pack of Tree-Revenants, huge mob of Glade Guards and solid unit of Stormcast Eternals Retributors (with magnetized weapons!). Age of Sigmar is already a well-known and popular game and third edition of AoS – Sylvaneth, Wood Elves and Stormcasts!

Age of Sigmar – Sylvaneth Army

Hello Everyone! Today, we would like to uncover our Sylvaneth army project from Age of Sigmar. Sylvaneth are the offspring of the goddess Ilario, queen of the radiant wood. They belong nature, they are creatures of life magic, whose flesh and sinews are crafted from the living boughs of the life wood. The relationship between Age of Sigmar – Sylvaneth Army