Minis For War Painting Studio

stormcast eternals

WarCry – Stormcast Eterlans

Hello Wargamers! In this entry we would like to introduce you to our very new WarCry commission – Stormcast Eternals! Stormcast Eternals are one of the most powerful races in the Mortal Realms. They are demigods, a combination of Sigmar’s energy and human body, the embodiments of Sigmar in the Mortal Realms. Those true hero WarCry – Stormcast Eterlans

AoS – Stormcast Eternals Army Showcase

We are very excited to show you one of our favorites armies from Age of Sigmar –  Stormcast Eternals! Stormcast Eternals are demigods, the embodiments of Sigmar in the Mortal Realms. Once they were probably humans, taken up in height of battle to Azir and reforged to half-human, half-pure Sigmar’s energy beings. Each one of AoS – Stormcast Eternals Army Showcase

AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Army showcase!

Armies showcase are always pretty exciting to reveal! On today’s post we would like to show you one of the most magnificent armies in Age of Sigmar – Stormcast Eternals. Our goal was to give these elite units very clean and bright look. Imho combination of golds and blues really make these models shine! Army AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Army showcase!

Warhammer Underworlds – The Farstriders

Third Stormcast Eternals warband on our blog! The Farstriders – elite infantry of the Vanguard Auxillary Chambers. Three ranged attack specialists who are a serious challenge for any opponent 🙂 Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – Stormsire’s Cursebreakers

Another quick series of Warhammer Underworlds posts – this set of minis comes from Nightvault starter set. Stormsire’s Cursebreakers – a lightning-wielding warband of three powerful wizards! Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – Steelheart’s Champions

Three immortal, celestial warriors from Stormcast Eternals faction. They are the “new space marines” from Games Workshop and basic faction of Age of SIgma game 🙂 Armours painted with Chameleon paints from Green Stuff World. Commission paitning services –

Warcry – Stormcast Eternals Warband

Hey! In today’s quick post I would like to show you small Stormcast Eternals warband for Warcry. Dark, black-red colur scheme is a nice refreshment after pure gold SCE armies 🙂 I hope you like it too! Commission painting services –

AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Celestant Prime

[:pl]   Cześć! Dzisiejszy wpis poÅ›wiÄ™cony jest jednemu z najwiÄ™kszych modeli do armii Stormcast Eternals – Celestant Prime. Figurka skÅ‚ada siÄ™ z zaskakujÄ…co niewielkiej iloÅ›ci części, które dość sprawnie jesteÅ›my w stanie zÅ‚ożyć. Nieco gimnastyki wymaga sklejenie wiru energii, jednak powinien sobie z tym poradzić nawet poczÄ…tkujÄ…cy modelarz. Rzeźba i detal jest naprawdÄ™ dobra – AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Celestant Prime