Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Daughters of Khaine Army

Hello Wargamers! Our studio is working at top speed to bring you great painted models. Today I would like to present a large, complete Daughters of Khaine army prepared by our Artists. Mighty forces set out under the leadership of Morathi to spread fear and destruction across the worlds of the Age of Sigmar. Below AoS – Daughters of Khaine Army

40k – Genestealer Cult, Kill Team

Howdy Wargamers! I believe many of you are familiar with Warhammer 40k, but did you have a chance to try out it’s spin-off? Kill team is a fast-paced skirmish game taking action in 41st Millenium, I bet it will appeal to all RPG fans! The fun starts with the very first stage! Before the battle 40k – Genestealer Cult, Kill Team

40k – Genestealer Cults Army Showcase

Hello Wargamers! Yesterday we treated AoS fans, today we got something for 40k enthusiasts! Genestealer Cults are one of the infiltration methods utilized by the High Fleets of the Tyranid race. These cults are effectively hidden societies, found throughout the populous of many races, but most common within the Imperium of Man. They are comprised 40k – Genestealer Cults Army Showcase

Age of Sigmar/ 9th age: Ossiarch Bonereapers Part II

Hello! Even though Halloween is over, we would like to get some it’s spirit back by presenting you part II of Ossiarch Bonereapers army 🙂 Enjoy! Commission painting services: painting services:

Star Wars: Legion – Rebel Army Showcase

“We have hope. Rebellions are built on hope.”   Hello Wargamers! Star Wars: Legion is getting more and more popular! We really love the system! Majority of our painters are active Legion players It’s always heart pleasing, when are able to create an army from a scratch! This time we’ve been working on dessert themed Star Wars: Legion – Rebel Army Showcase

Age of Sigmar/ 9th age: Ossiarch Bonereapers Showcase

We would imagine, Halloween of 2020 is probably very different from previous ones. No costume parties, no trick-or-treating, is there any way to still catch the spirit? Hell yeah! Today our team is presenting you one of the spooooookiest projects we ever delt with – Ossiarch Bonereapers from Age of Sigmar! Get yourself comfortable and Age of Sigmar/ 9th age: Ossiarch Bonereapers Showcase

AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Army showcase!

Armies showcase are always pretty exciting to reveal! On today’s post we would like to show you one of the most magnificent armies in Age of Sigmar – Stormcast Eternals. Our goal was to give these elite units very clean and bright look. Imho combination of golds and blues really make these models shine! Army AoS – Stormcast Eternals – Army showcase!

LotR/ Hobbit – Iron Hills Army Showcase

Just like we promised – Iron Hills army showcase! We are very excited to present you one of the most beautiful armies in LotR/ Hobbit Universe – Iron Hills! We loved working on the project from the very beginning! Sculpts are just superb, Forge World really knows the drill! Iron Hills Dwarves had a huge LotR/ Hobbit – Iron Hills Army Showcase

Lord of the Rings – Far Harad Army Showcase

Reveal of Far Harad army for Lord of the Rings system 🙂 It was another great project we had a chance to paint in our workshop. I can also promise that it is not the end of our journey with LotR / Hobbit armies. Soon I will be able to share some Iron Hills… Exciting! Lord of the Rings – Far Harad Army Showcase