Skavens! Spiteclaw’s Swarm warband, lead by Skritch is ready for countless clashes in Warhammer Underworld game. That’s another pack of miniatures we made for WHU – I love the dynamics of sculptures. Each model has its own character, perfectly capturing the impression of a charge in the middle of the battle. Commission painting services – … Warhammer Underworlds: Spiteclaw’s Swarm
Horde of Chainrasps lead by Briar Queen! Nightgaunt faction is the newest among the Deaths and definitely my favourite one. Design of new miniatures is superb and vibe of frightening spirits is absolutely great. In game you have a strong spellcaster supported by many core units that outweigh the enemy. Commission painting services –
Another episode of our journey with Warhammer Underworlds! This time I would like to show you Godsworn Hunt warband. That’s very flexible pack of warriors lead by Theddra Skull-scryer. Really cool, dynamic miniatures with some lovely details. It was a pleasure to paint them 馃檪 Commission painting services –
Praise the Lord of Changes! Another great warband for Warhammer Underworlds from our Studio. Vortemis the All-seeing, K’charik, Narvia, Turosh, a Blue Horror and a pair of Brimstone Horrors – all of them ready for spread Chaos among the living (and not only 馃檪 ). That’s only the beginning of our journey with Warhammer Underworlds. … Warhammer Underworlds: The Eyes of the Nine
Goblins! One of the most popular warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. Zarbag’s Gitz are totally cool! Well designed models with tons of details. Mushrooms, bones, flames, little cage and lovely squigs 馃檪 In this post you may see one of many versions we painted in our studio. Miniatures are also perfectly fine for all Gloomspite Gitz … Warhammer Underworlds: Zarbag’s Gitz
Hey Wargamers! The Chosen Axes is another great warband we want to show you. A group of deadly dwarf warriors, armed with heavy axes and mad courage! For a long time it was one of the strongest factions in WH:U Shadespire, very popular among the players. Today it is also a great unit to create … Warhammer Underworlds: The Chosen Axes
Hey! One more Shadespire warband we painted in our workshop! The Sepulchral Guard is most unusual warband, with a unique and varied set of mechanics that lend themselves to a range of playstyles. We decided to paint them similar to official colour scheme. Hope you like overall look of models! Commission painting services –
Hey Wargamers! I am really happy to show you another warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. Ironskull’s Boyz are incredibly aggressive warband. Four heavy armoured Ironjawz are perfect for the players, who prefer to focus their games around combat. Miniatures are also perfect for all Age of Sigmar ork armies 馃檪 Commission services –
[:pl] Cze艣膰! Witajcie w kolejnym szybkim strzale, w kt贸rym prezentuj臋 Wam zestaw do gry Warhammer Underwords. Dzi艣 jest to dru偶yna dowodzona przez Molloga – wyj膮tkowo silnego troggotha, kt贸rego celem jest roztrzaskanie jak najwi臋kszej ilo艣ci 艂b贸w swoich przeciwnik贸w 馃檪 Banda skupiona jest na jednym, pot臋偶nym wojowniku, kt贸ry jest w stanie pokona膰 o wiele liczniejsz膮 grup臋 przeciwnik贸w. … Warhammer Underworlds: Mollog’s Mob