Minis For War Painting Studio


Historical – 7 Years War Project – Cavalry

Hello Wargamers! HERE and HERE we had a chance to show you massive 7 Year War project in 10 mm scale. Hundreds (thousands!) of miniatures painted according to historical realities. It was a great project and extraordinary challenge for the whole painting team. Today I’d like to share last post and last models related to Historical – 7 Years War Project – Cavalry

Historical Wargames – 7 Years War

Hello Wargamers! Hope you are enjoying your weekend 🙂 I believe, today’s entry, should appeal to all historical wargaming fans. The Seven Years War is one of the most important historical event of 18th century. It took place from 1756 to 1763 and involved majority of the nations of Europe, with the Kingdom of Britain Historical Wargames – 7 Years War

Historical Wargames – 7 Years War in 10 mm scale

Hello Wargamers! Today we got a treat for all historical wargames enthusiasts! In this entry, we will be featuring 7 Years War in 10 mm scale! The Seven Years War is one of the most important historical event of 18th century. It took place from 1756 to 1763 and involved majority of the nations of Historical Wargames – 7 Years War in 10 mm scale

Historical – Great Northern War in 10 mm / Cavalry

Heya! Second part of Great Northern War Project and other XVIII conflicts. All colour schemes inspired by historical uniforms. This post is dedicated to cavalry units and HERE you may find infantry models. Miniatures are 10mm scale from Pendraken. All bases are laser-cut HDF. Commission painting services –

Historical – Great Northern War in 10mm / Infantry

Heya! As a Studio we are specialized in small scales 🙂 We have painted thousands of tiny 10mm models so far and this post is only a glimpse of what to come! I would like to invite you to this really big gallery of project dedicated to Great Northern War and other conflicts from XVIII Historical – Great Northern War in 10mm / Infantry

Warmaster – Ogre Kingdoms Army

[:pl] Cześć! Po długiej przerwie od małych skal chciałbym Wam zaprezentować  armię Ogrów do systemu Warmaster. Jak możecie zauważyć, jest dość kolorowo i licznie! Mamy tu jeźdźców na mamutach, machinę wojenną, yeti, gnoblary oraz kilka oddziałów piechoty. Figurki są oczywiście w skali 10mm, jednak ze względu na ich rozmiar malowanie jest nieco prostsze (w porównaniu Warmaster – Ogre Kingdoms Army