Minis For War Painting Studio


Warhammer Underworlds – Mix of Warbands

Hello Wargamers! Sunday update with pack of warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. As you may see, we painted units from different WHU seasons. This fast, skirmish game is still popular and GW regularly releases new sets to support the line. Gallery of models painted by our Artists below 🙂 Enjoy! If you want to paint your Warhammer Underworlds – Mix of Warbands

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Warbands

Hello Wargamers! In this entry, we would like to present you band of Shadespire Warbands, our team had pleasure to work with lately. Warhammer Underworlds is a 2-player skirmish battle game from Games Workshop. It is a very interesting choice for those, who would like to take a little break from large-scale battles. The game Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Warbands

Warhammer Underworlds: The Grymwatch

Hello everyone, hope you are doing great! Today we are finishing our little Warhammer Underworlds marathon with the Grymwatch. We had pleasure to work with two warbands of those amazing miniatures. Each painted to it’s own, unique style. Which of them do you like better? Commission painting services:

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgok’s Krushas & The Chosen Axes

Hello! In this short entry we would like to present you some more Warhammer Underworlds warbands! Get yourself comfortable and enjoy our two visions of Morgok’s Krushas & three of The Chosen Axes 🙂 Commission painting services:     

Warhammer Underworlds: Hrotgorn Mantrapper & Grashrak Ravagers

Good morning Wargamers! In today’s short post we will uncover another two warbands from Warhammer Underworlds. We really do love that skirmish system, very enjoyable to play. Besides gaming itself, deck building is also a pretty nice experience. I guess it’s a perfect option for those, who cannot decide weather they want to play Warhammer Warhammer Underworlds: Hrotgorn Mantrapper & Grashrak Ravagers

Warhammer Underworlds: Wurmspat & Rippa Snarlfang

Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? Get yourself comfortable and get ready to hop into bloodthirsty fields of Mortal Realms! For those, who are new to the system, Warhammer Underworlds is a 2-player skirmish battle game from Games Workshop. You’ll be fighting each other with you favorite warbands and custom card decks. We hand-picked Warhammer Underworlds: Wurmspat & Rippa Snarlfang

Warhammer Underworlds: Ylthari’s Guardians

We had tons of fun painting Ylthari’s Guardians! These creatures come from ancient soulpods in the Realm of Death Warhammer Underwords. Legends say they were diplomats and emissaries once , now they will crawl through the World looking for revange! Commission painting services –  

Warhammer Underworlds: Mollog’s Mob

Another Mollog’s Mob painted by our studio! Mollog himself is incredibly strong Dankhold Troggoth from Warhammer Underwords. He spends most of his time sleeping at the swamps. Would you dare to wake him up? Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – The Eyes of the Nine

  Eyes of the Nine warband flying in! Are you ready for Realm of Chaos in Warhammer Underworlds universe? Or maybe even beyond…? Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds – The Farstriders

Third Stormcast Eternals warband on our blog! The Farstriders – elite infantry of the Vanguard Auxillary Chambers. Three ranged attack specialists who are a serious challenge for any opponent 🙂 Commission painting services –