Minis For War Painting Studio


Studio – Get to Know: Ewa

Get to know our Painters – Interview with Ewa This is another post from the series of articles in which you will have opportunity to get to know our team. Today we want to introduce you to Ewa. She is one our Painters! Without further ado we’re going straight into the interview! 😀 Do you Studio – Get to Know: Ewa

30k – Thousand Sons Reinforcements

The Thousand Sons: A Powerful and Complex Traitor Legion in the Horus Heresy and Beyond. The Thousand Sons were originally a loyalist Space Marine Legion created by the Emperor during the Great Crusade. They were known for their use of psychic powers and were led by their Primarch, Magnus the Red, who was himself a 30k – Thousand Sons Reinforcements

40k – Thousand Sons + Display Magnus

“The minds of gods are not for mortals to know, or to judge. Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play.“ Hello there! We want to present you fell, traitor legion for Warhammer 40k. Once they were soldiers in 40k – Thousand Sons + Display Magnus

40k – Magnus / Kairos / Decimators

Hello Wargamers! It looks like we have a “daemonic week” on our blog 🙂 Today I’d like to show you Kairos/Lord of Change and Magnus painted in unusual, purple/pink colour scheme. As a small bonus – group of Decimator Daemon Engines. Soon you can expect much more photos with models from this army so stay 40k – Magnus / Kairos / Decimators