Minis For War Painting Studio


Shatterpoint – Count Dooku Squad Overview

Count Dooku, Jango Fett and MagnaGuards in Star Wars: Shatterpoint Hello there! This is the series in which we explain how certain units from Star Wars: Shatterpoint work! Today we will go with Count Dooku, a prominent Sepratist Leader, Jango Fett and MagnaGuards! Count Dooku, Separatist Leader Dooku’s ability card reflects his character, style and Shatterpoint – Count Dooku Squad Overview

SW Legion – Magnaguard / Wookies / Yoda / Tactical Droid

Hello Wargamers! Latest wave of releases for Star Wars: Legion was BIG – IG-100 Magnaguards, new Wookie Warriors, Master Yoda, Super Tactical Droid… We had a chance to paint all of new boxes in our Studio! 😀 Since the switch to hard plastic production, the models definitely look better. Edges are sharp, details are on SW Legion – Magnaguard / Wookies / Yoda / Tactical Droid