Minis For War Painting Studio


Board Game – Massive Darkness II Hellscape Dragon

Hunt for Treasure and Battle Fierce Monsters in Massive Darkness II Board Game Massive Darkness II is a thrilling and immersive board game that puts players in the middle of a dark and dangerous world. Set in a fantasy realm, the game features a range of heroes who must band together to fight against hordes Board Game – Massive Darkness II Hellscape Dragon

Order66 – Heresy Empire army

β€œLong live the Empire!” Hello there! We have a very interesting project to show to you. Order66 came up with an idea to mix 2 big universes into one Kickstarter project. Prepare yourselves for β€œHeresy Empire” – mash-up of Warhammer 40k with Star Wars! All of it began from concept and some drawings. Nextly they Order66 – Heresy Empire army

Board Game – Kickstarter Heroes III

β€œAstrologers proclaim…” Hello there! We want to tell you that we had the pleasure of painting miniatures for the Kickstarter of Heroes III Board Game from our partner, Archon Studio.Β  It’s amazing that such a nostalgic video game will have its tabletop counterpart.Β  For this moment they reached an astounding goal of 3 565 414 Board Game – Kickstarter Heroes III

Board Game – Guards of Atlantis II

Hello there! We want to present to you the Guard of Atlantis II, a board game inspired by well known MOBA games such as League of Legends or DOTA.Β  In this game four to ten players take the role of heroes that are divided into two β€œteams”. You need to use cards to move around Board Game – Guards of Atlantis II

Board Game – Cactus Town

Hello there! We want to show you painted miniatures for a board game named Cactus Town. Publisher described it as a β€œhighly interactive game of fast paced chase & escape”.Β  This game has some random features like a 5×5 building-card grid that are randomly chosen each game. Choosing your actions also challenges your farsight ability, Board Game – Cactus Town

Board Games – Massive Darkness 2

Hello Board Gamers! Today we have something for you πŸ˜€ Here we present a Kickstarter Exclusive minis for Massive Darkness 2. This expansion is named Rainbow Crossing. But now maybe I should say some words about a game. Massive Darkness 2 is a cooperative dungeon crawler in which players lead their own heroes into a Board Games – Massive Darkness 2

Order66 – Kickstarter Campaing launch!

β€œJoin me into the Dark Side!” Hello Community! Today we want to present you a Kickstarter project from one of our Partners – Order 66. They came up with a project of Warhammer 40k models inspired by the Star Wars universe. Here you can find models inspired by the Stormtroopers, Deathtroopers, AT-ST, Scout Troopers and Order66 – Kickstarter Campaing launch!

Board Games – Kickstarter Zombicide 2nd Edition – Painted!

Hello Wargamers! BIG post today – we had a chance to paint complete Zombicide 2nd Edition from Kickstarter! Hell yeah, than’s a lot of models πŸ˜€ Our artists were totally delighted with the variety and detail of the miniatures. There are so many unique sculpts with tons of details and easter eggs. Below you may Board Games – Kickstarter Zombicide 2nd Edition – Painted!

Collectible – Goblins & Undeads / Kickstarter

Hello Wargamers! We love niche projects and this one is definitely a cool one πŸ˜€ Our team painted a solid pack of Undead/Skeletons and Goblin miniatures – there are so many unique sculpts and poses! At the end of the gallery you may also find a few big Ogre monsters. Enjoy! If you want to Collectible – Goblins & Undeads / Kickstarter

A Song of Ice and Fire – Lannister Heroes

Hello Wargamers! Some time ago I had a chance to share with you Stark Heroes and Stark Army. Now I’d like to show you their greatest rivals – Lannisters! Just like last time I want to start with heroes and attachments. My personal favourite is Tywin and Cersei – great sculpts! Some of miniatures come A Song of Ice and Fire – Lannister Heroes