Minis For War Painting Studio


BloodBowl – Three Teams!

Hello Wargamers! BloodBowl is still very popular and supported game. Today I’d like to show you three different teams we painted over past few months – Reiklan Reavers, Wolfenburg Crypt-Stealers and Elven Union. It’s good to see this system alive – leagues are played all over the world 😀 If you want to join and BloodBowl – Three Teams!

AoS – Cities of Sigmar / Free People

Cities of Sigmar are a strange mix of old Empire, Dark Elves, Wood Elves and Dwarfs (and sometimes High Elves) where you can find many units from old editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. This has its own undeniable appeal and gives you the opportunity to compose a truly unique army. Today I would like to AoS – Cities of Sigmar / Free People

BloodBowl – Human Team

Hey Wargamers! Really short update with another BloodBowl team we painted some time ago. We decided to use classic, blue colour scheme and simple static grass bases. As you may see below, we added an Ogre – strong reinforcement to all human teams. BloodBowl is a very complex game with so many options – almost BloodBowl – Human Team