Hello there! 😀 Guess what. We have a very well painted Cawdor Gang for Necromunda to show to you. “House Cawdor is known as the bonepickers, scrap herders and midden-thieves, their vast “empire” is built on the discarded scraps of other clans and bound together by an unshakeable faith.” 🛠 We hope you like it! … Necromunda – Cawdor
Howdy Wargamers! Another copy of Blackstone Fortress painted by our team 🙂 For those of you, who are no familair with this board game, Black Stone Fortress is a cooperative game based on classic Warhammer Quest. This time the action takes place in vast and unknowable ancient space station. Players control team of explorers, seeking … Board Games – Black Stone Fortress
Hello Wargamers! Are there any Necromunda fans? Personally I am a huge enthusiast of that skirmish system, so was very excited, when one of our Clients requested commission for Van Saar Gang. The paintjob was inspired by GW’s original painting scheme, we decided though, to use some brighter green and stronger highlights. Also added bit … Necromunda – Van Saar Gang
Hello Wargamers! Hope you are enjoying our little Necromunda series! Today, we prepared for you Ambots, Goliath Gang and Orlock Gang! Each of them represents different skills and playing style. Models were exceedingly pleasurable to paint. Really like working with quality miniatures. Stay tuned for more 🙂 Commission painting services: minisforwar@gmail.com
Hello Wargamers! Hope you are having a wonderful time during Christmas! Today we’ll be adding another two gangs to our Necromunda portfolio: Escher Gang and Cawdor Gang. I think both of them are very interesting options! Escher Gang might catch a little more attention, as it fits perfectly in probably the hottest gaming topic right … Necromunda – Escher Gang & Cawdor Gang
For Sunday we got for you another expansion of Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress: Cultists of the Abyss! The set is a great addition to the core game making it even more challenging! In the box you will find: Cultist Firebrand, Cultist Champion and 6 Chaos Cultists. Pretty happy how they turned out! Commission painting services: … 40k – Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress: Cultists of the Abyss
Just like we promised! Today we are reveling an awesome Games Workshop board game basing on Warhammer 40k – Blackstone Fortress Core Set and The Dreaded Ambull expansion! Blackstone Fortress is a cooperative game based on classic Warhammer Quest, but this time the action takes place in vast and unknowable ancient space station. The players … 40k – Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress Core Set + The Dreaded Ambull