Minis For War Painting Studio

free people

Projects Showcase – Vikings / Luminark / Giant / WH: Underworlds

Hello Wargamers! Projects Showcase will be our new series with mix of different, small commissions painted in our Studio. This time I’d like to show you a giant (alternative models) for AoS, huge Viking army for SAGA / Hail Caesar and another Luminark / Celestial Hurricanum for Free People army. As you may see, another Projects Showcase – Vikings / Luminark / Giant / WH: Underworlds

AoS – Cities of Sigmar / Free People

Cities of Sigmar are a strange mix of old Empire, Dark Elves, Wood Elves and Dwarfs (and sometimes High Elves) where you can find many units from old editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. This has its own undeniable appeal and gives you the opportunity to compose a truly unique army. Today I would like to AoS – Cities of Sigmar / Free People

AoS – Irondrakes

Hello Wargamers! Any plans for the weekend? In this short entry, I’d like to uncover some of the Dwarf units, we had pleasure to paint not so long ago. I am extremely happy with alternative scheme we used on our Irondrakes. It may not be humble, but I actually believe, it’s way more interesting than AoS – Irondrakes

AoS – Free People Army – Sneak Peek

Hello Wargamers! We are about to reveal huge Free People army! Today’s entry is a sneak peek for that for this amazing project! Awesome minis? Check! Huge numbers? Check! I promise, it will be worth waiting! Are you excited? Commission painting services:

AoS – Gotrek, Gyrocopters & Sisters of the Thorn

Howdy Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this entry we would like to present you some of Free People units from Age of Sigmar. We’ve hand picked for you Gotrek, Gyrocopters & Sisters of the Thorn. I guess they should appeal to all our fans, who enjoy smooth and colorful painting. The miniature I AoS – Gotrek, Gyrocopters & Sisters of the Thorn

Warmaster – Empire Army / Part I

[:pl] Niedawno zakończony został projekt Warmaster – Tomb Kings. Czas więc na kolejną armię w miniaturowej skali 10 mm. Będzie to armia Imperium, pełna pikinierów, magów, konnicy i strzelców. Część modeli to klasyczne wzory GW, wiele z nich będzie stanowiło produkcję niezależnych manufaktur. Na pierwszy ogień chciałbym Wam zaprezentować kilku dowódców. Do niektórych z nich Warmaster – Empire Army / Part I