Minis For War Painting Studio


The Old World – Dwarfs

The Dwarfs of Warhammer Fantasy are a proud and ancient race

LotR / Hobbit – Iron Hills Forces

Hello Wargamers! Our Artists painted massive Iron Hills forces – that’s a lot of longbeards on one photo 😀 We had a chance to work with almost all released models from Forge World and it was a pure fun. It’s always fun to paint models that reflect characters from your favorite movies and universes. Below LotR / Hobbit – Iron Hills Forces

Warmaster – 10mm Dwarves – Part II

Hello Wargamers! Not so long ago we painted the main part of Dwarfs Army in 10mm scale and this is the Wave II. Some additional units and warmachines completed in our Studio. 3D printing is absolutely insane in small scales and is ahead of the “clasically produced” models (like Pendraken) in terms of quality and Warmaster – 10mm Dwarves – Part II

AoS – Cities of Sigmar Warmachines

Hello Wargamers! Any Cities of Sigmar fans here? I’d like to show you so many classic warmachines for this army – Gyrocopters, Steam Tank, Celestal Hurricanum and Luminark 😀 These models are really old but they are still great to paint. Luminark is just a bit overloaded with unnecessary details. Enjoy the gallery below! If AoS – Cities of Sigmar Warmachines

AoS – Dwarves

“Manling coins are like their words: never trust them. Use your weighing scales and keep your axe handy!” Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? Are there any fans of oldschool Dwarves? In this entry, we’ll be featuring a small squad of those bearded folks! Personally I really like working with classic miniatures. They might AoS – Dwarves

AoS – Classic Dwarves

“You ask a lot of questions, Manling. You know what I think? I think you need another drink” Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? Are there any fans of oldschool Dwarves? In this entry, well be featuring a small squad of those bearded folks! Personally I really like working with classic miniatures. They might AoS – Classic Dwarves

AoS – Classic Dwarfs

There is something magical about old-school miniatures. Couple weeks ago our team painted unit of a Warhammer Fantasy Battle Dwarfs. As it usually is, the miniatures were made of metal, which always makes it a little more difficult to work with. Afterall pretty happy how we handled the project. Really like combination of silvers, golds AoS – Classic Dwarfs

AoS – Free People – Dwarf Ironbreakers / Irondrakes

Ironbreakers are lieges of Grand Alliance Order, dwarves guarding labirynth of tunnels and protecting all that is sanctified. These strong, bearded creatures never hesitated going for war to save their motherland from desecration. We had a lot of fun painting the squad, hope you’ll enjoy.

Warhammer Underworlds – Thundrik’s Profiteers

Kharadron Overlords faction is definitely in my TOP3 in Age of Sigmar system. I was very happy when they got their own warband to Warhammer Underworlds 😀 A group of brave warriors led by Bjorgen Thundrik is a dangerous and deadly enemy! Commission painting services –

Warhammer Underworlds: The Chosen Axes

Hey Wargamers! The Chosen Axes is another great warband we want to show you. A group of deadly dwarf warriors, armed with heavy axes and mad courage! For a long time it was one of the strongest factions in WH:U Shadespire, very popular among the players. Today it is also a great unit to create Warhammer Underworlds: The Chosen Axes