Minis For War Painting Studio


Dungeons & Dragons – Noluzr’s Marvelous Miniatures – Part 1

Hello RPG fans! Today we would like to start a new series on our blog. Dungeons & Dragons is the most popular system in the world – thousands DM and much more adventurers who every week explore vast dungeons and dark forests. We decided to take several Nolzur’s Marvelous models (and not only) to the Dungeons & Dragons – Noluzr’s Marvelous Miniatures – Part 1

Dungeons & Dragons – Force Grey

Hey! Today really short post with Dungeons & Dragons miniatures 馃檪 I would like to show you Force Grey – a group of elite adventurers released in limited 1500 copies run. Models from Collector’s Series are casted in resin and have noticeable better quality than the Nolzur’s Marvelous line. If you are a fan of Dungeons & Dragons – Force Grey

D&D Critical Role – Mighty Nein

The second Critical Role campaign is centered on the ragtag group of heroes in Wildemount known as Mighty Nein. D&D is the most popular RPG game in the world, which has evolved from the best of its previous editions. Today, as always we have fun not only from exploring dungeons, but also from discovering different, D&D Critical Role – Mighty Nein

Dungeons & Dragons – Xanathar Beholder

[:pl] Cze艣膰! Dungeons&Dragons jest najpopularniejszym obecnie systemem RPG, kt贸ry ostatnimi laty szturmem wdziera si臋 do 艣wiadomo艣ci mi艂o艣nik贸w fantastyki. Nie jest wi臋c dziwne, 偶e jak grzyby po deszczu pojawiaj膮 si臋 modele inspirowane kultowymi potworami i bohaterami ze 艣wiat贸w D&D. W dzisiejszym wpisie chcia艂bym Wam zaprezentowa膰 Xanathara – jednego z owianych z艂膮 s艂aw膮 beholder贸w, kt贸re siej膮 zgroz臋 Dungeons & Dragons – Xanathar Beholder