Minis For War Painting Studio


ASOIAF – Targaryen Army

“Fire and Blood” Hello there! We want to show you a Targaryen Army for A Song of Ice and Fire painted a while ago.  House Targaryen of Dragonstone is a noble family of Valyrian descent who once ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. They’re one of forty dragonlord families of Valyria and only one that ASOIAF – Targaryen Army

ASOIAF – House Targaryen

Rytsas Friends! Yesterday a new Game of Thrones series premiered. In the new show we can witness the history of House Targaryen from the Known World; the series takes place 200 years before the main story. Make yourself comfortable and plunge into the world of intrigues, homicides and betrayals. We want to make your immersion ASOIAF – House Targaryen