Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Underworlds Mix of Warbands

Hello there! From the vast arenas of Warhammer Underworlds, here we go with some Warbands for this quick, skirmish-type game, which is a hybrid of Board Game and Collectible Card Game! Da’ Kunnin Krew Part of the Harrowdeep Starter Set. This Orruk warband of Kruleboyz accidentally landed in Harrowdeep and quickly fell in love with AoS – Underworlds Mix of Warbands

Underworlds – Mix of Bands

“Had I been secondborn, the people of Khemri would have served me gladly, and the city would have prospered. If you would blame anyone, blame those damned gods you so adore. It was they who made me no more than a first son. It was their will who ultimately sealed you inside that tomb.” Hello Underworlds – Mix of Bands

WHU – Direchasm and Beastgrave Warbands

Hello Wargamers! Warhammer Underworlds is one of the longest-supported systems from Games Workshop. Another season (Harrowdeep) is announced and some cool warbands are coming! For now I’d like to show you many Direchasm and Beastgrave sets we painted in our Studio. Full, detailed gallery below 🙂 Commission services –

Warhammer Underworlds – Mix of Warbands

Hello Wargamers! Sunday update with pack of warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. As you may see, we painted units from different WHU seasons. This fast, skirmish game is still popular and GW regularly releases new sets to support the line. Gallery of models painted by our Artists below 🙂 Enjoy! If you want to paint your Warhammer Underworlds – Mix of Warbands

WHU – Lumineth Warband

Hello Wargamers! Hype is in the air! Are you excited for new, upcoming Lumineth releases? To celebrate this moment, we decided to share with you a Lumineth Warband from Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm! Our Client requested for bright and very clear paintjob, imho they turned out great! Looking for similar scheme, or have your own, unique WHU – Lumineth Warband