Minis For War Painting Studio


Legion – Empire Mix of Projects

“Long live the Empire!!” Hello there! Here we go with some miniatures from Star Wars: Legion for the Galactic Empire faction. We pretty much want to keep this post as the gallery but if you want to read more about these units we invite you to read our article about how to start Galactic Empire Legion – Empire Mix of Projects

Star Wars: Legion – Galactic Empire Units

Hello Wargamers! We are back to our beloved Star Wars: Legion system! So time ago I’ve noticed our portfolio is missing majority of Galactic Empire Units. Today, with this entry we are trying to fix this issue 🙂 We are very happy to share with you our visions of AT-ST, Deathtroopers, Dewback, Shoretroopers and Stormtrooper Star Wars: Legion – Galactic Empire Units