Minis For War Painting Studio


Batman Miniatures – Crime Family

Hello Wargamers! Today, we’d like to treat all comics and superhero fans! This entry, will be dedicated to Crime Family, from Batman Miniatures. For those of you, who are not familiar with the system, The Batman Miniature Game is an innovative and original skirmish game based on the DC Comics universe. The average game involves Batman Miniatures – Crime Family

Batman Miniatures – Heroes

Hello Wargamers! Hope you enjoyed our last entry! We would like to continue it today with some new heroes! This short post will be featuring Killer Moth, Red Hood Joker, Red Hood and Frank and the Plants. Not sure if you are familiar with those characters, as they are not so popular like Batman, Robin Batman Miniatures – Heroes

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Heroes

  Hello Wargamers! Until 2020 movie industry was on it’s peak. We had great superhero movies coming out almost every month. Then, we all know what has happened… Today, we would like to bring, some of those good memories back. Get yourself comfortable and enjoy heroes from Marvel Crisis Protocol 🙂 Although there is a Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Heroes