Minis For War Painting Studio


Animal Adventures: Tales of Cats & Catacombs part I & II

Hello Wargamers! Have you ever been wondering, how to get non-fantasy, non-Sci-Fi guy or lady into hobby? Is it even possible? Today we would like to show you something, absolutly no one, can resist –  Tales of Cats & Catacombs part I & II! You can use those lovely, purring miniatures in their own gaming Animal Adventures: Tales of Cats & Catacombs part I & II

Animal Adventures: Tales of Cats & Catacombs

If you are more into cats than dogs we also got something for you! 6 purring miniatures form Animal Adventures: Tales of Cats & Catacombs! These furry miniatures have their own game system, you can also use them as companions to your favorite RPG! Some of our cats were inspired by cartoon cat-characters, can you Animal Adventures: Tales of Cats & Catacombs