Minis For War Painting Studio


9th Age/ WFB – Gamezone Dark Elves Cavalery

Hello Wargamers! Our gaming world is dominated by GW, but have ever been thinking about trying out some new manufacturers? In today’s entry, we would like to present you Dark Elves Cavalery by Gamezone. In my opinion they are a great addition to any 28mm fantasy system. If you are worried by a little about 9th Age/ WFB – Gamezone Dark Elves Cavalery

Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit – Rohan Army

Hello Wargamers! Today we are revealing Rohan army from Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit supported by Gandalf the Grey! Our army is based on Eomer, Gamling and Rohan elite units – Rohan Royal Guards. The paintjob is inspired on Games Workshop’s box art, but we added a little more red to make them stand out Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit – Rohan Army