“Be’lakor was the very first mortal raised to the exalted rank of Daemon Prince, though what sacrifices he made and what horrors he inflicted to do so are lost even to the oldest tales. However it was Be’lakor that drew the Chaos Gods’ gaze — he somehow managed to intrigue all four of the dark … 40k – Be’Lakor Green
“Raise buildings and sing songs in My Glory. In My name, pursue your arts and enshrine all beauty. Let all people follow their every desire, sate their every hunger, and deny themselves no adventure. For it is in these things, and in others, that you will find the greatest pleasure, and it is through these … Age of Sigmar – Hedonites of Slaanesh Army
Hello Wargamers! Time to reveal three epic daemons our Artists painted for you! First one – mighty Be’Lakor – this model is a refreshed old sculpture of one of the greatest daemons in Warhammer universe. We decided to keep him in blue tones with strong red/orange od clothes and wings. Such a great miniature to … Warhammer – Be’Lakor / Mortarion / Synessa – big daemons strikes back!