“The Last Homely House East of the Sea”
Hello there!
Straight from Rivendell, here we go with Elven Army for Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game.
Rivendell, also known as Imladris in Sindarin, was an Elven town and the house of Elrond located in Middle-earth. In this town, there was a large hall with a dais and several tables for feasting. Another hall, the Hall of Fire, had a fire in it year-round with carven pillars on either side of the hearth; it was used for singing and storytelling on high days, but stood empty otherwise, and people would come there alone to think and ponder. The eastern side of the house had a porch at which Frodo Baggins found his friends once he had awakened, and was where the Council of Elrond was held.
Elladan & Elrohir
Gildor Inglorion
Lindir and Bannerman
Knights of Rivendell
Forgeworld Glorfindel painted on Display Level
Elrond painted on Display Level
Warriors of the Last Alliance
High Elf Warriors
As a bonus we have Gandalf and Faramir miniatures for you, we hope you’ll enjoy them too 🙂