Minis For War Painting Studio

Kromlech – Great Tower of Knowledge

Great Tower of Knowledge - the New Frostgrave Terrain from Kromlech

We’re here to show you the latest project made for one of our partners – Kromlech. The Great Tower of Knowledge is a new terrain piece for Frostgrave. Each floor of the Tower is built from removable and modular quarters. The floors are switchable, guaranteeing a unique experience during every scenario played. This terrain will be great not only for the Frostgrave but for every RPG with Fantasy setting. 

The whole set is made out of HDF, which is solid material, but also it’s quite hard to paint. But hey, we have some tips for you about painting this kind of material.

Wanna have this set painted by us? Wait no more and contact us!

“The Great Tower of Knowledge stands as a monolithic beacon of enlightenment amidst the desolation of the city. Once the pinnacle of scholarly pursuit, its lofty spire reaches toward the heavens, promising untold power to those brave enough to ascend its heights. Each floor is a labyrinth of forgotten lore and magical artifacts, drawing in those who seek to master the arcane arts. Legends say those who conquer the tower will gain wisdom beyond measure, but few have ever returned to tell the tale.”

– original description

“The fundamental rule of painting HDF terrain is solid priming. This material absorbs paint heavily, and two or three coats of primer help to mitigate this. You also need to be careful with washes as they may spread more than on plastic terrain. In my opinion, these are the primary issues to consider when painting HDF terrain.

I’m very impressed with the new Frostgrave terrain series. The sheer amount of detail and texture is quite surprising. Modular terrain, and even entire modular tables, are my favorite part of tabletop gaming. Thanks to the many assembly possibilities, the gameplay never gets boring.”

– Wojtek, Painter

“First of all, they need to be primed thoroughly because the paint soaks into them and changes colors. You also have to be very careful not to apply too thick layers at once, as the paint can spread and it’s difficult to fix the stains later. I think it’s much easier to paint them when they are not assembled, as it makes it easy to separate colors on individual elements. The set itself is very pleasant to paint; it’s simple but at the same time offers many possibilities for color choice and interesting patterns. You can simply have a lot of fun with it.”

– Julia, Painter

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