Minis For War Painting Studio


SW Legion – Scarif Terrains

“Scarif? They’re going to Scarif? Why does nobody ever tell me anything, Artoo?” Hello there! Today we want to show you a Scarif inspired terrain for Star Wars: Legion Scarif was a remote, tropical planet in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Although a small and idyllic world, Scarif played an important part SW Legion – Scarif Terrains

Terrains – Age of Sigmar Scenery Sets

Hello Wargamers! Terrains are important part of our hobby – even if you have the best painted models, battle without proper gamemat and some buildings, forests and scatters feels incomplete. We had a chance to prepare a big set of fantasy terrains for one of the game stores. Below you may find just a small Terrains – Age of Sigmar Scenery Sets

Terrains – Frostgrave Terrains / Cooperation with Kromlech!

Hello Wargamers! Today I’d like to share with you results of our cooperation with Kromlech manufacture. We had a chance to paint a solid set of terrains they designed and released for Frostgrave. It was a great commission and Haunted Gatehouse was one of the best HDF terrains we ever had in workshop! Below a Terrains – Frostgrave Terrains / Cooperation with Kromlech!

New line of Frostgrave Official Terrains – painted in our studio!

Hello Wargamers! As a studio we had a chance to cooperate with Kromlech and painted the new line of official Frostgrave Terrains. Kromlech just released cool teaser on their social media channels – check it out 🙂 I hope we will be able to share with you many photos of painted buildings and structures soon! New line of Frostgrave Official Terrains – painted in our studio!

Terrains – Vietnam in 10mm – big set / 3D Print

Hello Wargamers! 3D printing is amazing 🙂 One of you send us files and commissioned printing&painting services for big set of terrains for Vietnam theme board in 10mm scale. All files designed by WOW Buildings. Below you may find massive gallery of all models painted by our great Artists. If you want to order your Terrains – Vietnam in 10mm – big set / 3D Print

Marvel Crisis Protocol / Batman – City Terrains

Hello Wargamers! In all skirmish games nice terrains are a very important factor in the enjoyment of the game. We have just a few miniatures and scenery around is as important as our units. In our Studio we had a chance to paint awesome buildings / kits from Multiverse Gaming (check them out!). Everything you Marvel Crisis Protocol / Batman – City Terrains

40k – Terrains

Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this entry, we would like to present you, bunch of 40k terrains painted by our team. In my opinion, wonderfully prepared scenery really adds a lot to overall gaming experience. Is there anything more enjoyable than battling your friends in your favorite wargaming system, using beautifully painted 40k – Terrains

Terrains – Modular Gaming Table

Hello Wargamers! Even though, our company is mostly known for painting miniatures, we don’t want to stop there! To keep developing, we are always looking for new paths and opportunities! Today, we are very happy to uncover our experimental project – Modular Gaming Table! The table was designed for Flames of War, but will work Terrains – Modular Gaming Table

Terrains – Tabletop Scenics

Hello everyone! This is entry is immensely special for us. Couple months ago we started a collaboration with our friends from Kromlech – Polish tabletop miniature company, manufacturing and distributing high quality miniatures, accessories and scenery for miniature games. They were about to release bunch of new terrain pieces from Tabletop Scenics gaming series and Terrains – Tabletop Scenics

Rampart – Modular Terrain Set / Kickstarter

[:pl] Cześć! Całkiem niedawno mieliśmy okazję pracować wraz z Archon Studio nad ich nową linią modularnych terenów, które właśnie dzisiaj trafiły na Kickstartera. Link do kampanii znajdziecie TUTAJ. Zbiórka idzie jak burza i powoli zbliża się do 50 000$ – macie szansę wesprzeć projekt do 18.12.2019! Pomalowaliśmy trzy różne zestawy – Eternal Cathedral, Kazumi Temple oraz Rampart – Modular Terrain Set / Kickstarter