Hey Wargamers,
Is there anyone here who is not familiar with Batman? DC created a rich universe with dozens of unique heroes and villains.
Our Artists finished another cool project with models from Batman: Miniature Game from Knight Models. Each figure is a real challenge for painter. Please take a look at the Clock King figure presented here. With freehand painted clocks, the standard painting gets an individual, unique touch.
Have you watched the latest Batman movie? The Riddler in our version looks completely different! Our Figure is similar to a classic comic book style.
The Riddler: Quizmaster
Below you may also find photos with models from:
Court of Owls
Prof. Pyg and Dollotrons
Catwoman , Kite Man
League of Assassins: Demon’s Heir
The Court
Which one do you like most?
Do you want to create your own collection of painted Batman models? Send us a message: minisforwar@gmail.com